Neo4j on EC2 quickly and easily
Want to setup neo4j database on a ec2 instance in record time? Follow the instructions here…
Want to setup neo4j database on a ec2 instance in record time? Follow the instructions here…
Sometimes you need to find the disk space hogs on a linux machine. Think of them as the big fat ducks if you like. Then you can just add this to your profile and recursively find the top 10 fat disk hogs.
#setup a shortcut to call the command
alias ducks=du -cks * |sort -rn |head -11
Maven doesn’t ship by default anymore on Mavericks, which is annoying but lucky homebrew makes it easy to get it installed.
Just follow these two steps to install homebrew (if you haven’t already got it) and then install the maven brew…
Then sit back and enjoy some coffee.
#install homebrew if you don't have it already
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
#install maven
brew install maven
For work I’ve had to evaluate a few Product Information management systems. These are a few that I have looked into which look promising.