So about three years ago I made a blog. Not really for you. More so for me.

To write down important stuff really that I came across day to day that I got stuck on or had to work around or fix or whatever.

Somewhere along the line that all got too hard and I decided to stop using it and try to continue to use my brain.

Probably happened somewhere around the time my second child arrived.

So… Now my second child is almost two and I have another on the way before the years end I thought I may as well give this another go.

I can’t remember much of anything as it is right now, so possibly writing things down as they happen is a good idea for when that third child does arrive.

Hopefully I remember to keep the passwords in the password safe though and not on the blog.

Not that this blog is about my children…

So what have I been up to besides procrastination and procreation… Lots of things!

  • setup my company site atebyteapps
  • created a site Stanthorpe Villa for my brother’s rental property
  • worked on Madcow 2.0 test automation system more
  • worked on various insurance domain Guidewire software projects
  • played some amateur football and won and lost an elimination final
  • saw that whole nodeJS revolution happen and built a calendar application for the foxpulse (now sportstg) sporting website using it as a result
  • demolished a house, designed, built and furnished a new house and fixed up an old rental
  • and saw Jose Mourinho come back to Chelsea to win the premiership only to sacked the year after

Madcow and Sublime Text Build Systems

Madcow Test Automation and Sublime Text Build Systems Continue reading